Universal tips to get more of what you want…

How’s your January going?

Christmas break forgotten?

Stuck in a winter rut? Wondering when it’s ever going to get warm or light again?

Still feeling positive after a break and with the intentions of January in flow?

Or experiencing a bit of discouragement and same old, same old? 

Whatever your current view of where you are is, we thought we’d put together some simple things that you can do to bring you closer to your goals and make your everyday easier.

Those of you who have worked with us will know we aren’t massively into recipes or 'how to’s', we know there is no one size fits all solution to how to be at your best.

That said, we have observed that there are some pretty universal things you can do to make your life smoother or move you faster towards what you want.

  1. Come to everything (and everyone) fresh - let go of the labels and judgements and observe what is happening right now.

  2. See everything as work in progress, including yourself - there is always the possibility for something to evolve, for you to see things differently or learn something.

  3. Take the next step - Don’t get fixated on 'step 17' it stops you doing what you can do and moving forward.

  4. Ask yourself if you are willing to do what is necessary (and if not, why not)

  5. Get curious about other people’s realities - do you really know what's going on for them or what they took from that conversation, call or meeting?

  6. Notice - it's a powerful capacity that we have. Notice your state of mind and when and how it changes. And look out for your own wisdom helping you out.

  7. Allow your mind to settle - make space - take micro breaks between meetings or activities.

  8. Don't 'grind' your thinking - if you're overthinking, stop and come back to it. See what happens when you let go.

  9. Look after your body - rest, nourishment and exercise all help your mind work more effectively.

  10. Look for insight - if you're stuck, instead of going over everything you already know, take a moment to 'wonder' and see what else occurs to you.

The biggest lever we have in our performance is our own mind, and the good news is we are designed to handle life, bounce back, create and learn. But sometimes we don't realise what we've already got built in.

We're writing a micro-blog on each of these over on our Linked In page over the next few weeks to explore them further so join us over there!

Let us know what's helpful, what you're curious about and how you get on...


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