Feeling Comfortable In Your Own Skin

Have you ever felt under the weather for a few days and can’t quite put your finger on why, and then wake up one morning feeling more like yourself again? You feel energised, clear and ready to deal with your day.

In that moment that shift is tangible. You feel comfortable in your own skin and able to handle life.

Who wouldn’t want more of that feeling?

And it isn’t just about being physically ill.

When we don't feel like ourself it seems like something is missing or lacking, so we go looking outside to fill the gap. More training, more clients, a different job, new habits…

We think we need something extra to feel ourselves again.  But that just doesn’t make sense. We already are who we are, the only problem is that we’ve lost sight of it.

“I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, because I’m not myself right now you see...”

So goes the quote from Alice in Wonderland.

There is always the possibility to feel comfortable in your own skin, to accept yourself for who, and what, you are. To trust your judgement, to feel balanced and able to handle whatever is in front of you. To do what makes sense for us from a place of wholeness not from a place of lack.

And because all human beings naturally evolve, move forward and adapt; our habits will change, we will develop skills and learn - not to become someone else but to keep being who we are.

A human being with infinite possibility, versatility and capacity.

We call this being on solid ground and would like to help you find more of it.


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