A Handful of Wisdom to take into 2025
Before we get back on the rollercoaster of the year, we thought it would be valuable to reflect on some of the most impactful lessons we learnt in 2024.
We've summarised them here but would love to know yours.
(As we wrote this we realised that most of these are not brand new to us, but seeing them again brought them to life even more vividly.)
Understanding the Mind = Improved Wellbeing = Higher Performance
No, really. It may sound obvious to you, it sounded obvious to us - but it isn't obvious to everyone. So, we were delighted when Navigator won the British Culture Award for Wellbeing because the judges clearly identified the link between understanding the mind, wellbeing and performance. It gives us even more confidence to point to this even more clearly.
There is a difference between the unknown and not knowing
For most of us, being in the unknown looks scary and daunting. Whereas 'just' not knowing is easily handled. Realising when we have labelled something as 'unknown' helps us shift back to being able to deal with not knowing. And, maybe even makes it a creative place. Maybe ask yourself - what have you labelled as 'unknown'?
Reframing Intention - What do you really want?
Lots of our coaching at this time of year orientates towards goals, objectives and intentions. So it's been helpful for us to explore what happens when you combine intention, willingness and awareness to move it in a direction and make things happen.
We rarely, truly ask ourselves the question - what do I really want? And unless we know this, our actions won't necessarily take us there. This is an invitation to ask yourself what you really want.
You really do have everything you need built-in to the system
This is another 'no, really'. We spent three days on our October Retreat exploring the source of the universal capacities that are already built-in to the human system. Knowing that this potential exists within us brings a sense of joy, freedom, expansiveness and possibility - something that is already informing how we show up to life. We would love to invite you to ask yourself what you've seen about this.
Talking to people's genius
It's easy to think that we know best and that, at times, other people don't. In these moments we've forgotten that everybody has an innate genius and that we can decide to speak to/listen to/invite/encourage that genius to be in play. Or we can speak to their inner idiot. The more we remember to look to, and engage with, people's genius, the more their (and our) genius shows up.
You don't need to pick over the past to create the future you want
Every now and then we work with clients who are struggling to connect with each other, or have difficult relationships and think they need to open up old wounds in order to move forward. Again and again, we see that when people's minds relax and they see the nature of thought in themselves and others, they are able to reconnect and heal their relationship. From there they can begin to create the future they want from this moment without picking over the past, which only causes more pain, and delays the healing process.