Naturally High Performance

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Day 5: Comfort in an unpredictable future

The future is an imperfect equation:

Future = current thinking + x

We can never anticipate the future wholly because we can't predict our wisdom in the moment.

Ever rehearsed a conversation or planned a meeting and then in the doing something else has occurred to you that is even more impactful and you wonder why it didn't occur to you before?

This is because our wisdom, insights and common sense arise in response to what's actually happening and are real time and unpredictable.

We can use our previous experience, the available data and our imagination to prepare for the future. But there is always the magic of what occurs to us in the moment to give us an even clearer picture of what the situation is or what to do.

It's comforting to realise that you are more than the sum total of your existing thinking and all you have to do is be aware to increase the x factor.